Restyle Day 12 - Floral

For the floral prompt I wanted to create a very feminine and all round pretty look, so I couldn't believe my luck when I found this dainty blouse in the Red Cross Scarborough opshop. It was hidden amongst long sleeve business shirts - not a section I would have normally looked at, but one thing I've learnt about opshopping is that some of the best pieces are often those you find accidentally, so one opshopping tip examine all areas! I decided to pair the blouse with this incredible vintage pink leather skirt as a textural contrast and of course added the floral crowns just because they worked so well with the skirt and the enchanting location! The talented and gorgeous Adelle from Where The Styled Things Are took the time to take these beautiful photos for me, and let me tell you it really was a trek in the woods - spiders and all, but I certainly think it was worth it! And hope you do too!

 Red Cross Scarborough Floral Blouse and Vintage Skirt



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